Develop a Heroku App That Integrates with Salesforce | Set up Heroku con...

Develop a Heroku App That Integrates with Salesforce | Set up Heroku connection #heroku
Set the unique identifiers for the DreamHouse app.

Currently, we have a properties listing on our DreamHouse app. This information is displayed only from the Postgres add-on we provisioned in the previous step. To see the properties you imported into your Trailhead Playground, we need to establish a connection between your Trailhead Playground and your Heroku Postgres database by creating mappings. In your Trailhead Playground, go to Setup and select Object Manager. Click Broker and select Field & Relationships. Click Email and click Edit. Select Unique and External ID. Click Save. Click the Object Manager tab. Scroll down and click Property. Select Field & Relationships. Click Address and click Edit. Select Unique and External ID. Click Save.

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