#10 Brainstorming on career decisions | करियर के फैसले पर मंथन | Sandeep Maheswari | #SMtv
The career decision-making process requires you to think carefully about your interests, talents, abilities, and values. Usually what you are good at indicates your career interests.
Steps Toward a Career Decision
- What are my interests? Values? Skills? Personality preferences? Strengths?
- What are careers that interest me?
- What are college majors that I want to explore?
- What information or individuals can help me to explore my college or career options?
- What classes or activities can help me to develop my strengths?
- How can I learn more about informational interviews, job shadowing, internships, service learning, or student organizations to gain firsthand experience about a field?
- How much time and energy am I willing to invest to make a career decision?
- Who is part of my support system to help me evaluate the pros and cons?
- What are my top priorities to consider for this decision?
- How can I strengthen my readiness for success in a college major?
- What is one goal that I have? How can I reach it? What action can I take now?
- Which one of my talents can I develop through classes or outside activities?
- Is my decision a realistic option?
- Is there anything preventing me from achieving this goal?
- Who is my support system can assist me with achieving this goal?